If you enjoy gifting, and wish to experience the sheer joy of unconditional giving and the sense of satisfaction by contributing for community wellbeing -
Welcome aboard!
Looking forward to this hand-holding

Possible options:

  • Gift a session to to your family and/or friends for orientation to parenting – at all stages: from would-be parents to parents of young adults. Example: a gift for baby shower, baby's naming ceremony, child's 1st birthday, achievements of children at school, college level, graduation and so on.
    Contact for more details.

  • Gift a set of stimulating play activities to children of age 3 to 12 years. Example: For birthday gifts, give-away gifts, designing activities for children’s birthday parties or get-togethers, for special events at schools and activity centres / daycares etc.
    This will be customized as per the needs. Thus, pre-registration is required. Contact for details.

  • Gift your valuable time! Spare your time for a social cause. Get Connected

  • Gift your resources for a rural community. Would you like to make good use of children’s unused toys and/or books which are in good condition? Call / Email / Message

  • Gift your expertise. Extend your expertise – explore options for collaboration. Stay in touch

  • Gift your ideas! Discuss your ideas, dreams, wish list for an enriched childhood and healthy adulthood. Join in to share
