Parent Workshops for a Particular School / Educational Institute:

Any school, from pre-primary to high school, can approach for conducting workshops for parents in-house in a particular school on a particular topic. For example:

  • For the beginning of a school year at the pre-primary level

  • Transition to high school

  • Discipline at all levels

  • Communicating and bonding with children across age groups

Topics can be discussed further. Please contact for more details.

  • Any parents’ community (for example: parents staying in a particular locality, parents’ friend-circle, parents’ group at a workplace etc.) may approach at a personal level for customized group workshops on parenting, in its location / setup or through online mode. You are welcome to contact for more details.

Customized, Individual or Group Workshops at the centre / online:

Parent workshops can be arranged at the बाल्यधून centre or through online mode. These workshops are for would-be parents and parents of children in a range of phases: early childhood, pre-teen, teen age, and young adult; and also address the handling of the responsibility of caring for these parents’ old-aged parents.

Orientation to Giftedness:

The workshops for parents of children with high potential can be conducted at the centre, in schools, or through online mode. This is for varying age groups to understand the indicators of giftedness, starting in early childhood.